tiago pires designer & developer

About me

I'm a hybrid designer and developer working for over a decade in Australia.

Tiago Pires

Throughout my career, I held both creative and technical roles, and I’ve learned how the increasing complexity of digital products can benefit from greater integration between creativity and execution. Blurring this divide opens up new possibilities and allows design and implementation to guide each other from the start, preventing gaps between the two at the end.

Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I completed a bachelor’s degree in design at PUC-RJ in 2006. In addition to topics in arts and product design, we studied project management, programming, philosophy, and economics. The course spanned over four years of full-time study on campus. Typography took the front seat in my studies during those years.

After graduation, I worked as a typeface designer in Rio and as a brand designer in Angola, Africa. During this period, I also dedicated more time to learning web technologies and deepening my coding knowledge, as designers traditionally don’t shy away from conquering and exploring the publishing technologies of their time.

In 2008, I came to Australia, hoping for a summer of good surf and practising my English on a working visa. Since my teens, I have dreamed about surfing the famous Kirra waves. My initial time in Australia turned out so well that I quickly found a job in web development, became a skilled migrant, and became an Australian citizen a couple of years later.

Living on the border between QLD and NSW for over ten years, I have worked in agencies as an in-house designer and developer and taught undergraduate students. I am recently married and like to surf and play samba music with my wife and friends.